Hospital and surgical insurance

You can buy insurance hospitalization and surgery on an individual basis. However, unlike the kind of insurance obtained through an employer, you have to undergo the selection process of risk to be accepted as a participant in individual health insurance. Some insurance companies in Indonesia now even also provide cashless hospitalization insurance benefits for individuals. That is, you do not need to spend money to pay for the cost of care so long as the cost and type of care you are still within the scope of coverage and the hospital where you were treated is included in your insurance company's network of partners. To be able to utilize the cashless feature, you usually have to obtain warrants before hospitalized destination and any medical treatment / surgery must obtain prior approval from the insurance company. This insurance pays the cost of health either due to accident or illness, which include :
  1. Medical care in the hospital
  2. Some of the costs associated with outpatient surgery
  3. Consultation with a specialist before and after hospital treatment
  4. The medical examination with x-rays and laboratory
Due to the high cost of hospital care, the insurance companies make restrictions that benefit premiums remain affordable. The most common limitation is the maximum claim for each type of illness/disability and treatment costs as well as the maximum total for all types of claims in a year. These limits can you look at the list of benefits issued by an insurance company in conjunction with your policy.

life insurance and health insurance

In addition to setting limits on the maximum claim covered, some of these rules can also be applied to limit benefits :
  1. Deductible : as in life insurance, you have to pay a certain amount of dollars in a year before you can claim . For example, the cost of care under 1 million per year must be paid, the remainder can be paid in accordance with the insurance company.
  2. Co-Insurance/Co-Payment : co-insurance is the percentage division between paid and paid his own insurance, co-payment is a certain amount of dollars that must be paid for each claim, the insurance paid the rest.
Your health insurance policy may also exclude the cost of care associated with certain diseases such as a medical condition that existed before the insurance (pre - existing), congenital diseases or treatments without medical indication. You also may have to pass through the waiting period in which all medical expenses can not be claimed unless caused by an accident.

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