Types of Motor Vehicle Insurance

Insurance is insured. An agreement between two parties, one party is obliged to pay dues and other parties are obliged to guarantee fully the dues payer in the event of something that happened to the first party or his goods in accordance with the agreements made.
Motor Vehicle Insurance is the owner of the motor vehicle to the insurance entered into an agreement to pay insurance contributions are usually per year, but can also be done in a few years at a time and party vehicle insurance is also obliged to provide a guarantee to the vehicle insured in case of damage repair mild to severe and replacement of part or all of an insured motor vehicle if you have a variety of things damage caused by many things in accordance with the agreements in the insurance.

The amount of motor vehicle insurance premium is calculated based on the percentage of new vehicle price and the market price of the vehicle if the vehicle is not new. The more expensive the car the smaller the percentage. The results of these percentages are calculated for insurance premiums to be paid by the users of insurance services to the insurance. In the insurance agreement, the vehicle owner / payer insurance policy premiums will have a valid certificate of insurance participants by having the policy number and the type of insurance that contains the selected. This policy is useful when going to make an insurance claim.

auto insurance - type of motor vehicle insurance

Types of Motor Vehicle Insurance

Comprehenship / All Risk: is a type of coverage that must be borne by the insurance company to the insured vehicle, which is a guarantee of mild to severe damage and even loss of the vehicle. So, if the vehicle is damaged a little, then the insurance company will cover all repair costs.
TLO (Total Loss Only): the only guarantee against the loss of the vehicle or in the event of damage to more than 75% of the price of the vehicle.

Comprehenship types or All Risk insurance is a type of insurance that is widely used in passenger car type vehicles. While many types of insurance TLO used for freight vehicles and motorcycles. In addition to the above options, there are various other ancillary insurance package as insured as a result of natural disasters and others. The amount of premium for the All Risk / Comprehenship greater than the premium type of TLO (Total Loss Only).

How to Insurance Claims?

To make an insurance claim vehicles were damaged, lost, etc., then the various conditions that must exist such as: coffee Photo (Photo Copy) Insurance Certificate, Driver's Licence, ID cards, and Cost Claims, Loss of Police Certificate (if the vehicle lost), etc. This claim must be made within a maximum limit of insurance claims, so that the claim can be accepted and not lost in vain. Motor Vehicle Insurance is very necessary for assets guaranteed if things happen that are not desirable in the future. We can not predict bad things will happen, whether it was an accident, loss, natural disasters, and other calamities. With the number of motor vehicle insurance providers today, of course, we can choose the amount of insurance premiums vary.

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